We look at some of the top highlights of the technology and digital marketing world that created buzz during year 2022.


The development of artificial intelligence has drawn intense attention from around the world (AI). Everyone has encountered the AI chatbot that responds to various inquiries in apps and websites, which is the most prevalent AI implementation.


Effective data segmentation is made possible by AI. It is beneficial to break down, arrange, and analyse diverse behavioural and demographic data as well as information from analytical software. When compared to work done by people, AI’s accuracy and efficiency are far better.


You must be aware of the distinctions between Web apps and native apps in order to grasp Progressive Web App. Web apps are websites that, in many respects, resemble native programmes but are not actually implemented as such. A native app is one that is downloaded directly onto the smartphone, but web apps are not actual applications. Browsers, mainly HTML ones, are used to execute them.

The term “progressive web apps” refers to web applications that function and feel like native mobile apps. They provide mobile native app capability. Cross-platform web applications benefit from PWA’s push notifications, quick loading, and improved user experience.


The fact that they don’t require downloading from an app store is one of the many advantages PWAs provide for companies.


Most of us assume that English is the only language that matters when using the internet. Simply said, vernacular SEO is the development of your website and SEO plan for a language other than English. It entails creating whole websites, keyword targeting, advertising, etc. in the local languages of your target audience. Vernacular SEO, for instance, would entail having a website, content, and adverts in Local Language if the company’s primary customer base is in very hyper local areas.
The importance of vernacular SEO is supported by a wealth of data. According to the Economic Times, a Google KPMG poll has uncovered a wealth of information regarding its influence. This study discovered that regional language web adverts have an 88% likelihood of converting viewers into paying consumers. Regional speakers respond to adverts 90% more frequently than their English-speaking peers.
Digital marketers all over the world may increase the effectiveness of their organic results by incorporating vernacular SEO as a component of their plan, making the internet more accessible for everyone by speaking to them in their language. All digital marketers should take advantage of this excellent opportunity to increase their profits and gain access to more markets.


Today, most people spend a lot of time online. Unsurprisingly, adults’ “continuous” internet usage has gone up by 5% in the past three years, according to Pew Research. Which does this imply? However, in the realm of marketing, people’s purchasing and shopping habits have evolved along with the rise in internet usage, and this includes how people are accessing the internet.
Businesses must provide mobile-friendly content that will rank higher in search engines as more people browse products and services online using smartphones and tablets instead of desktop computers. Making your website’s design more responsive so that it automatically scales for smaller displays is one straightforward tactic.


Although China has already created a billion-dollar market for Livestream Commerce, it is still relatively new to world. The audience can purchase the goods live on social media sites that brands choose to use to exhibit their items.

Even on Instagram, the Shop feature has allowed businesses to add the Show Now button to live video content, saving customers time. One of the best digital marketing trends for 2022 is livestream commerce since it has shortened the time it takes a customer to get from seeing an advertisement to making a purchase.


Both desktop and mobile web can be used to deliver web push alerts to users. Depending on the operating system, these are alert-style messages that slide into the top or bottom right corner of a desktop screen. They also show up on mobile devices in a way that is very similar to how push notifications from apps appear. When a user’s browser is open, whether or not they are on the website, web push alerts are delivered to their desktop or mobile device.
At the moment, web push notifications are supported by Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari. By vendor, supported browsers differ. Operating systems and browsers all display notifications differently. Some alerts make use of native notification centres, while others don’t.

When compared to newsletters, web push notifications saw a double increase in signups. While it typically takes 6 hours for a recipient to open a newsletter, web push delivers messages instantly. Only 10% of email marketers are able to successfully increase newsletter sign-up rates, which is below the effectiveness of online push notifications.


Among the newest advances in software development, this area may be regarded as the most well-liked. Chatbots speed up interparty communication. While also allowing for cost savings on operators and other workers, the integrated automatic processing of the clients’ requests. Chatbots are currently used often on social media platforms including Facebook and Skype. The study found that 42% of chatbots are employed in the B2C sector and that 58% of them are employed in the B2B sector.